2014年1月30日 星期四
2014年1月21日 星期二
Software Developer
Now I'm a software developer. What is the job scope? Well, honestly, I don't know. At first, I have been assigned to develop the mobile apps. Yeah, It's the android apps that most of you familiar with. I'm not proficient in programming as in university C++ is the only language that i learned properly. Indeed, It made me headache for the whole semester. That is the first time that i felt language is very hard apart from English. The hardest part for master English is lack of vocabulary which is also the main problem which cause the programming hard to master. For me, programming is the language that communicate with machine/computer. Even the human language can't manage well, how about the computer language? They said, the important thing for master programming is the logic part, once your logic is powerful, the rest is sap sap water. Honestly, I don't think so, at least for the beginner, the logic part is not that important as the vocabulary (key words) and also the rule (syntax). Just to imagine, can you teach a child without basic of language but just abstract logic? Apparently not, if the child can master it well, honestly speaking, it's sure not your effort but their talent. A firm ideology normally support by the well master of language. Hence, the first step is not teach how to think, but to teach how to write the code instead of just teaching Hello World, but the tutorial is code a calculator. The first nightmare is C++. Anyway, pass the subject at the end of semester.
However, i started to have interest on the programming after took the Verilog course during my second year. Strictly speaking, Verilog is not a programming language, it's a hardware description language which used to design the electronic circuit. The project is vending machine which took me nearly a month to complete it. Great satisfaction emerge through my whole body and heart after finish this project though there is some defect. I promised to myself that programming is my future way as the semiconductor such as BJT bla bla bla become my second nightmare after this. The most important thing that I like it is because I can understand it. It's a bit similar to human world. When you understand a people more, there is high chance for you to like her more.
Well, now I'm a software developer. My major is Communication which I'm suppose to be in the telecommunication field but now i step into IT field. This is all doesn't matter for me now. Just hope the IT world and my world full of surprise and interest from now ~~
However, i started to have interest on the programming after took the Verilog course during my second year. Strictly speaking, Verilog is not a programming language, it's a hardware description language which used to design the electronic circuit. The project is vending machine which took me nearly a month to complete it. Great satisfaction emerge through my whole body and heart after finish this project though there is some defect. I promised to myself that programming is my future way as the semiconductor such as BJT bla bla bla become my second nightmare after this. The most important thing that I like it is because I can understand it. It's a bit similar to human world. When you understand a people more, there is high chance for you to like her more.
Well, now I'm a software developer. My major is Communication which I'm suppose to be in the telecommunication field but now i step into IT field. This is all doesn't matter for me now. Just hope the IT world and my world full of surprise and interest from now ~~
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