2012年9月24日 星期一


I have choose my final year project (FYP) . It is about the designing of antenna. Actually i have a bit only knowledge regarding the antenna. Even the basic i don't have. I know I must put very big effort in order to complete this task. However, no matter what title I choose, this is the reality I need to face.

Fortunately, I think I get a very nice supervisor.This is also one of the reason I choose antenna as my project. Antenna is not my favorite choice, but I put it as my 1st choice. Beyond of the considering of lecturer, antenna is also more relevant to my major.

Shelyn get the same supervisor with me. It's mean I can share information and cooperate with her. It is really good. Between, since my supervisor know she and me don't really have basic about the antenna, so he decide to make a three weeks class for us. What a responsible teacher?!! I think I am too lucky.  

I still remember what i have promised when I was in 1st year. At that time, I wish my final project is to design an antivirus system software or to design a communication system by using brain wave. It's sound amazing and very professional, but at last, I'm not able to do it. However, I will not regret.

And this year is my final year. I will enjoy it very well 
Cheers :)




認識了超過20年的老朋友親自送請請帖來,我心中除了滿滿的祝福,還是祝福。 這個老朋友,邀請朋友們參加他的婚宴,不是發信息,而是一通一通電話挨個打。當初看到他的來電,第一反應是不想接電話,哈哈!這應該是大多數人的反應吧?!(還是只有我?)我比較喜歡看信息而不習慣接電話,不管是因爲不...

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