2012年10月13日 星期六

FYP: Transmitting and Receiving Antenna

Transmitting and Receiving Antenna

a) Radio or wireless communication link with transmitting antenna
b) Receiving antenna. The receiving antenna is remote远程 from the transmitting antenna so that the spherical wave radiated by the transmitting antenna arrives as an essentially本来 plane wave at the receiving antenna.

Schematic representation of region of space at temperature T linked via a virtual transmission line to an antenna.
It’s to be noted that the radiation resistance, the antenna T, and the radiation pattern are functions of the frequency. In general, the patterns are also functions of the distance at which they are measured, but at distances which are large compared to the size of the antenna and large compared to the wavelength, the pattern is independent of distance. Usually the patterns of interest are for this far-field condition.

reference: Antenna for all application third edition (John D.Kraus & Ronald J. Marhefka)




認識了超過20年的老朋友親自送請請帖來,我心中除了滿滿的祝福,還是祝福。 這個老朋友,邀請朋友們參加他的婚宴,不是發信息,而是一通一通電話挨個打。當初看到他的來電,第一反應是不想接電話,哈哈!這應該是大多數人的反應吧?!(還是只有我?)我比較喜歡看信息而不習慣接電話,不管是因爲不...

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